The Falconbridge Alliance was formed in 2013 to serve as a bridge (hence the name of our monthly newsletter) across all of Falconbridge, single-family homes and townhomes alike. We welcome all owners and tenants to join. Alliance volunteers organize and operate many of the activities and groups (such as the Traveling Pubs, potlucks, mah jongg group, book clubs, card groups, exercise groups, etc.) that add to our enjoyment of the neighborhood. Click here to learn more and here to join.
The business and affairs of the Alliance are managed by a Board of Directors, consisting of elected Alliance members. The Alliance Board meets on the first Tuesday of each month, at 7:00 PM. in the Clubhouse at 6400 Falconbridge Road. Alliance members are encouraged to attend as observers. If you would like to be placed on the agenda to speak, please contact Rani Covington at For more information, please log in.