The atmosphere of Falconbridge and the enjoyment of the residents depend on the pleasant and considerate actions of everyone in the community. Please do your part by emulating the following best practices:

1. Control your pets. (leashes, outdoor cats, waste removal, etc.)

2. Walk/run on the left side of the street

3. Please confine loud outdoor noise to the hours of 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

4. Keep your yard neat. Neighborhood covenants require all trash containers to be stored out of sight from the street.

5. City trash pickup occurs each Tuesday morning. Be sure to put your green cart on the street the night before.

6. City recycling pickup occurs every other Tuesday morning. Check the city website for their calendar. Falconbridge is on the Blue schedule.

7. Yard waste pickup is optional and is subject to an annual fee from the city. Those who have paid the fee will have a brown container. Pickup is every Wednesday morning, if you have your yard waste container out Monday night.